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Allea’s primary assets are people: partners, consultants, employees and local correspondents, who work with talent, competence, passion and creativity.

Gabriella Foglio

Coordination of the Festival dell'Energia

Gabriella Foglio followed for almost 20 years the advertising of Legambiente environmental group, for which she also designed and organized events, awareness campaigns and cultural productions. For the latter, specifically, she has also been managing the media relationships.
At the end of the 90s she was Director of Communications at the European Institute of Design and in the following years she continued to manage the media relations for some specific projects related to the world of visual arts and communication, and design.
She is also manager of a freelance press office activity for events related to the world of culture, the production of documentary films, the creation of exhibitions. The funniest experience was the press launch of Hukapan, the production and distribution music company of Elio e le Storie Tese. The more intense was the production and promotion of the documentary by Italian director Gianni Amelio "La terra è fatta così"​ in collaboration with Rai 3. The more challenging was the organization and promotion of the international exhibition "Green Life. Building sustainable cities " with the Triennale di Milano.

Gabriella Foglio has been part of Allea since 2015, and is now project manager for the Festival dell'Energia. She works closely with the institutions, research centers, and universities involved in the event. Moreover, she coordinates the fundraising activities related to Festival.

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